How to hide permalink section in WordPress backend?
If you want to hide permalink for non-admin, add this code to your plugin or function file:
<?php // hide permalink section for non-admin add_action('admin_head', 'wpster_remove_permalink_section'); function wpster_remove_permalink_section() { if( ! current_user_can('administrator')) { echo "<style>#edit-slug-box {display:none;}</style>"; } } ?>
If you only want to hide the permalink section for a specific post type, you’ve to use something like that:
<?php // hide planes permalink section for non-admin add_action('admin_head', 'wpster_remove_permalink_section'); function wpster_remove_permalink_section() { global $post; if( ! current_user_can('administrator')) { if ( isset( $post ) ) { if ($post->post_type==='planes') { echo "<style>#edit-slug-box {display:none;}</style>"; } } } } ?>