In a previous post, we discussed how to grant editors the permissions to create discount coupons for Gravity Forms. Now, let’s explore the complete … [+]
By default, only administrators have the capability to create and manage coupons in Gravity Forms. If you’d like to grant your editors this ability … [+]
You can populate Gravity Forms fields of several methods (like passing parameters in the form short code). Another solution is to create a function … [+]
You can force rules on field Phone Number in Gravity Forms. Simply add this code to your plugin or function file, then select in your field which … [+]
How can I make one of two fields required (ie you have to indicate either the telephone or the email address)? Assuming your form ID is 5 and the 2 … [+]
I have a multilingual website. How can I add a field in my form to get the current language? 1. For WPML, add this code to your functions.php file … [+]