How to create a custom status?

How can I create a custom status for a custom post type (‘places’ in this example): Add this function to your plugin or function file: … [+]

How to disable search function

How can I remove search function ( in WordPress? Add this script to your functions file or plugin: <?php /** * Redirect Search to … [+]

Extend search to all ACF fields

How can I extend WordPress search to all Advanced Custom Fields created? To make ACF data available to wp_search, add this code to your plugin: … [+]

Disallow tags in WordPress

I don’t use tags in WordPress, how can I disable this functionality? Add this code to your plugin: <?php // Remove submenu … [+]

Remove menus in back-office

How can I remove one or several items in WordPress back-office? Add this code to your plugin: <?php // Remove toolbar menus if ( … [+]

How to get a parent page name

Is there an easy way to retrieve the name of the parent page of a WordPress page? Add this code to your plugin or functions file: <?php /** * Get … [+]

Restrict access to back office

How can I limit access to the WordPress back-office, for example to start a website migration? Add this code to your .htaccess file to block all … [+]

Redirect 404 Error to another page

How can I redirect all or part of the error pages to another page? Website will generate a “404 Not Found” web page when a user attempts … [+]

Remove all comments in source code

How can I remove all comments from source code? Whether for performance reasons (less lines of code) or confidentiality reasons (hiding commented … [+]

Minify HTML output

How can I minify my html code? Minification strips a code file of all data that isn’t required in order for the file to be executed. Minified files … [+]

Remove panels from the dashboard

How can I remove panels from the WordPress Dashboard? To remove all panels, add this code to your functions.php file /** * Remove all panels from … [+]