Gravity Forms: advanced use of Datepicker
If you want to use Gravity Forms’ Datepicker in an advanced way, you’re going to have to quickly use Javascript code. A good solution is to use the free Code Chest plugin from Gravity Wiz.
In all examples :
– Form ID: 3
– ID of the ‘start date’ datepicker field: 110
– ID of the ‘end date’ datepicker field: 111
– Date fields are in FR format (‘’ i.e. ‘27.12.2025’)
Here are a few examples:
1. Basic example
The start date must be greater than or equal to the current date. The end date must be greater than the start date; by default, it must correspond to the start date + 1 day.
gform.addFilter( 'gform_datepicker_options_pre_init', function( optionsObj, formId, fieldId ) { if ( formId == 3 && (fieldId == 110 || fieldId == 111) ) { optionsObj.minDate = 0; optionsObj.dateFormat = ''; optionsObj.onClose = function (dateText, inst) { var dateArray = dateText.split('.'); var day = parseInt(dateArray[0], 10); var month = parseInt(dateArray[1], 10) - 1; var year = parseInt(dateArray[2], 10); var dateSelected = new Date(year, month, day); var dateMin = new Date(dateSelected.getTime() + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); jQuery('#input_3_111').datepicker('option', 'minDate', dateMin).datepicker('setDate', dateMin); }; } return optionsObj; });
2. Advanced example
Same as above, but it is not possible to select Sunday as the start date:
gform.addFilter( 'gform_datepicker_options_pre_init', function( optionsObj, formId, fieldId ) { if ( formId == 3 && (fieldId == 110 || fieldId == 111) ) { optionsObj.minDate = 0; optionsObj.dateFormat = ''; optionsObj.onClose = function (dateText, inst) { var dateArray = dateText.split('.'); var day = parseInt(dateArray[0], 10); var month = parseInt(dateArray[1], 10) - 1; var year = parseInt(dateArray[2], 10); var dateSelected = new Date(year, month, day); var dateMin = new Date(dateSelected.getTime() + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); jQuery('#input_3_111').datepicker('option', 'minDate', dateMin).datepicker('setDate', dateMin); }; } if ( formId == 3 && (fieldId == 110 ) ) { optionsObj.firstDay = 1; optionsObj.beforeShowDay = function(date) { var day = date.getDay(); return [(day == 1 || day == 2 || day == 3 || day == 4 || day == 5 || day == 6)]; }; } return optionsObj; });
3. More advanced example
We added 2 conditions :
– The datepicker allows you to select dates between 24.6.2024 and 28.6.2024
– The end date must be between 1 and 3 days after the start date
To make your life easier, all the configuration is done at the start of the script using variables.
Are you ready for a 66 lines-code-script ?
gform.addFilter('gform_datepicker_options_pre_init', function(optionsObj, formId, fieldId) { // START config var formID = 3; var fieldStartID = 110; var fieldEndID = 111; optionsObj.dateFormat = ''; var startDate = new Date(2024, 5, 24); // 24.06.2024 var endDate = new Date(2024, 5, 28); // 28.06.2024 var minDelay = 1; var maxDelay = 3; // END config if (formId == formID && (fieldId == fieldStartID || fieldId == fieldEndID)) { if (fieldId == fieldStartID) { optionsObj.minDate = startDate; endDate.setDate(endDate.getDate() - minDelay); optionsObj.maxDate = endDate; } else if (fieldId == fieldEndID) { startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() + minDelay); optionsObj.minDate = startDate; optionsObj.maxDate = endDate; } optionsObj.onClose = function(dateText, inst) { var startDate = jQuery('#input_'+formID+'_'+fieldStartID).datepicker('getDate'); var endDate = jQuery('#input_'+formID+'_'+fieldEndID).datepicker('getDate'); if (fieldId == fieldStartID && !endDate) { if (!endDate || startDate > endDate) { var defaultEndDate = new Date(startDate); defaultEndDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() + minDelay); jQuery('#input_'+formID+'_'+fieldEndID).datepicker('setDate', defaultEndDate); } } else if (fieldId == fieldStartID && endDate) { if (startDate > endDate) { jQuery('#input_'+formID+'_'+fieldEndID).datepicker('setDate', null); } else { var maxEndDate = new Date(startDate); maxEndDate.setDate(maxEndDate.getDate() + maxDelay); var lastDate = endDate; if (endDate > lastDate) { jQuery('#input_'+formID+'_'+fieldEndID).datepicker('setDate', lastDate); } else if (maxEndDate < endDate) { jQuery('#input_'+formID+'_'+fieldEndID).datepicker('setDate', maxEndDate); } } } else if (fieldId == fieldEndID && startDate) { if (endDate < startDate) { jQuery('#input_'+formID+'_'+fieldStartID).datepicker('setDate', endDate); } else { var minStartDate = new Date(endDate); minStartDate.setDate(minStartDate.getDate() - maxDelay); var firstDate = startDate; if (startDate < firstDate) { jQuery('#input_'+formID+'_'+fieldStartID).datepicker('setDate', firstDate); } else if (minStartDate > startDate) { jQuery('#input_'+formID+'_'+fieldStartID).datepicker('setDate', minStartDate); } } } }; } return optionsObj; });
To manage conditions easily and without code, you can use the Gravity Wiz plugin, which offers plenty of advanced features for Gravity Forms.